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Holocaust Ambassadors/Anne Frank Trust

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Pupil's involvement in Holocaust Education  

Anne Frank Ambassadors

Our students are active within the maintaining of this qualification and the work towards achieving level 2. In 2022 fifty six of our S2 pupils were trained as Anne Frank tour guides who guided classmates, different year groups, teachers and cluster primaries through the exhibition. Five of our tour guides went on to apply to become Anne Frank ambassadors submitting their application to a panel of judges who viewed applications from all over Scotland and England. All five of our applicants were successful and we are the only school in West Lothian to have Anne Frank ambassadors.

You can find out more about the Anne Frank Trust at their website:


Lessons from Auschwitz programme

Another programme our school has an active partnership with is Lessons from Auschwitz. Each year two senior pupils have the opportunity to apply to the programme lessons from Auschwitz. As part of this programme the pupils attend seminars and have the opportunity to visit Auschwitz Poland. After the programme our ambassadors are then responsible to deliver lessons and assemblies. These programmes have enabled us to work on the delivery of transition programmes with cluster primaries as our ambassadors deliver workshops to the primary pupils using the skills and knowledge they have learned from the programme. Each year pupils also have the opportunity to hear from a Holocaust survivor and ask questions on a live stream event. We have also had guest speakers in from Comfort International who spoke to the pupils about the Rwandan genocide.  


You can find out more about the Lessons from Auschwitz programme here:

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