Pupil Absences
Parents are required to contact the school by 8.40am on the first day of a pupil's absence.
Attendance at school is important to enable young people to fulfil their potential and for them to have the best possible start in life.
Absence from school, whatever the cause disrupts learning and impacts negatively on the life chances of our young people. West Calder High School follows West Lothian Council's Attendance Policy which recognises the need for all young people to engage fully in their education and promotes attendance through a positive and supportive approach.
Parents/carers should inform the school as soon as possible on the first day of their son/daughter's absence. If possible an estimate of the likely length of the absence should be given. Calls should be made to Pupil Support on 01506 284950 and then selecting "Option 2". Please leave a message if you require a member of the Pupil Support team to call you back.
If the school is not contacted then a Group Call will be sent.
Parents/carers will be responsible for providing and updating contact telephone numbers for use by the Group Call system. Parents/carers should respond promptly to contacts from the school. Follow up phone calls will be made if there is no response to Group Call messages.
Everyone in the West Calder High School community is committed to working with our young people to ensure that, wherever possible, all young people receive an education that maximises the opportunity for every person to achieve their full potential. All staff at West Calder High School proactively work with young people and families to ensure that each young person attends regularly and punctually. For some, life presents particular challenges which may impact negatively on attendance. Attendance at school therefore requires to be approached within the wider Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) approach, considering the holistic needs of the young person.
Please communicate with our Pupil Support Team at the school if there are any concerns regarding your young person's attendance or time keeping or if you are experiencing problems getting them to attend.