Parent Council

West Calder High School Parent Council is in place to support everyone at West Calder High School. The role is to give the parents/career a voice within the school. The council are there to support the headteacher and senior management team where they are needed and to help build relationships between the school and the wider communities.


Parents and Carers are invited to the Parent Council Meetings in school in person. All meetings take place at 7pm in the school library, on the 1st floor.

Date of this sessions meetings

Tuesday 26th November  
Tuesday 18th February  


Minutes of the meetings will be approved at the next meeting and published here after the meeting.

If you would like to attend please email chair email 

AGM AGENDA (Date 2024)


AGM MINUTES (Date 2024)


Further Information on a Parent Council

The Scottish Schools (Parent Involvement) Act 2006 makes provision for the involvement of parents in their children's education and in school education generally. The Act also outlines the establishment of a Parent Council made up of parents representing the views of the Parent Forum as a whole. 

  • Who are the Parent Forum? 
    • All parents, carers or guardians who have a young person at West Calder High School are members of the Parent Forum. Everyone is invited to attend meetings and all contributions are welcomed. Agendas, minutes and a copy of the constitution can be found below. 
  • What is the Parent Council?
    • The Parent Council represents the voice of the Parent Forum. It promotes communication, school improvement and partnership. Every parent/carer with a young person at WCHS can ask about joining Parent Council.
  • What are the aims of the Parent Council? 
    • ​​​​​​​The West Calder High School Parent Council plays an active role in supporting parental involvement in the work and the life of WCHS. The key aims of the council are: 

a) to promote close co-operation and communication between parents and school staff 

b) to promote equality, diversity, inclusion and fairness

c) to study and discuss matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of young people

d) to engage in activities which support and advance the education and welfare of young people attending the school

  • Who attends the meetings? 
    • The meetings are a mixture of Parent Council members, co-opted members and invited attendees such as the Head Teacher, Pupil Council representatives and staff representatives. All members of the Parent Forum are welcome to attend. ​​​​​​​
  • Areas of focus for Parent Council for the session 2024/25:   

If parent/carers would like to get involved or contribute in any way, please contact us either by using the link at the bottom of this page or at email address of parental chair. You can also follow us at links to social media


Vacancies on the Parent Council are filled at the AGM. Please take this chance to get involved. If you would like to join the Parent Council, please put your name forward by email or in person at the AGM. For more information please contact us at chair email address

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